Jim Lamb A Key Cog as Ready for Hillary Ramps Up
On Saturday, Time Magazine published a story on the growth of Ready for Hillary, a pro-Hillary Clinton Super PAC. The article describes how the Super PAC has geared up over the past few months so that if Ms. Clinton indeed decides to …
Joe Sandler & Amanda La Forge Succesfully Defend Brown Campaign
Joseph Sandler and Amanda La Forge successfully defended the Friends of Anthony Brown gubernatorial campaign in a frivolous lawsuit in Anne Arundel Circuit Court. At issue was fundraising restrictions that Brown’s opponent sought to place on his ticket. In Maryland, …
Sandler Reiff Assists Politico with State Party Research
On Sunday, Politico reported on the dire financial straits many state parties are facing as donors are increasingly giving more to Super PACs than state parties. Using data provided by Sandler, Reiff, Young & Lamb, Politico crunched state party campaign finance data from …
Jim Lamb Fights False Super PAC Ads
Jim Lamb’s successful track record in fighting false and misleading Super PACs was highlighted in an article in Campaigns and Elections today. The article discussed ways to fight back against Super PAC television ads, which are afforded much fewer first …
David Mitrani Quoted in the Huffington Post
David Mitrani was quoted today in a story in the Huffington Post about the growth of super PACs and their strong fundraising numbers in a non-Presidential year. Mr. Mitrani pointed to super PACs’ ability to spend money in many state races, …
Reiff Offers Preview of Campaign Finance in 2014
Neil Reiff has written a new article for Campaigns and Elections magazine this morning, offering a preview of several campaign finance issues likely to come to the forefront in 2014. With 2014 midterms right around the corner, Mr. Reiff identifies …
Sandler, Reiff, & Lamb Among Washington’s Best Lawyers
Joseph Sandler, Neil Reiff, and Jim Lamb were once again named by Washingtonian Magazine as three of the top attorneys in Washington, DC. They were recognized for their outstanding work in the field of Campaign and Election Law. Sandler, Reiff, Young …
James Lamb Advising Ready for Hillary SuperPAC
James Lamb was cited in an article in the Washington Post about the growth of Ready for Hillary, a Super PAC urging former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to run for President in 2016. Mr. Lamb is cited among a …
POLITICO Influence Highlights David Mitrani
David Mitrani’s recent hiring was announced in today’s edition of POLITICO Influence. MITRANI JOINS SANDER REIFF AS ASSOCIATE: David Mitrani has joined Sandler, Reiff, Young & Lamb as an associate after successfully passing the bar exam. He’ll work mostly on election …
Joshua Rosenstein quoted in National Journal
Joshua Rosenstein was quoted today in a story in National Journal about the rise in litigation over the executive rule-making process. The article describes ongoing litigation between the EPA and biofuel producers over renewable-fuel standards. Mr. Rosenstein told the National …