Birkenstock Quoted in ABC News
Partner Joe Birkenstock was quoted in an article about Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy’s unusual commission based fundraising program.
“Campaign finance attorney and former Democratic National Committee Chief Counsel Joe Birkenstock said that while the concept of commission-based fundraising is not entirely new, he has not seen anyone execute it before involving their supporters.
‘As is not uncommon, you see ‘outsider’ candidates tend to be the ones who pursue these kind of novel strategies,” he said. “I think they’re gonna find that the juice really isn’t worth the squeeze. But it’s not something I can point to other examples having already gone wrong. I just think they’re kind of tackling a little bit of uncharted territory. And I think they need to be ready for a lot of surprises.’
‘That’s less for specific legal reasons than for kind of overall compliance strategy, and, you know, to some extent, just for optics reasons,’ he said.”
Read the full article here.