Young Quoted in TIME Magazine

On October 21st, John Hardin Young was quoted in a TIME Magazine article discussing the legal implications of Elon Musk’s $1 million prize for swing state voters who sign a petition in support of the First and Second Amendments:

“John Hardin Young, an adjunct professor of election law at William and Mary School of Law, argues that Musk is ‘vote buying’ in a targeted manner. He says Musk is supporting Trump under the guise of ‘supporting these petitions for First and Second amendment rights and registering to vote.’”

“’We all agree that registering to vote is important to democracy,’ Young says. ‘[But] the prize is available only to registered voters in the seven swing states because they could and probably will affect the outcome of the presidential election. That, in and of itself, is strong evidence that Musk’s intent is to influence the race.’”

Find the full article here.