Rosenstein Quoted in Hankook Daily Newspaper

Partner Josh Rosenstein was recently quoted in an article published by the Hankook Daily Newspaper discussing the recent indictment of Sue Mi Terry on FARA charges.

“Josh Rosenstein, a lawyer at the U.S. Sandler [Reiff] law firm, said in an interview with our newspaper, ‘It doesn’t matter whether money was exchanged,’… ‘If you conduct activities that influence U.S. policymakers, legislators, or the public at the request of the Korean or other governments, you must register as a foreign agent'”

“Attorney Rosenstein said, ‘We should pay attention to the fact that the indictment was made at the same time as the first-trial guilty verdict of Senator Bob Menendez,’ and analyzed, ‘Researcher Terry’s case has some similarities to the Menendez case, and it is possible that the FBI, which gained confidence as the charges against Menendez were clarified, decided to indict.'”

Find the full article with additional insights from Rosenstein here.