Josh Rosenstein Discusses FARA and Manafort in Talking Points

In a Talking Points article, “The Vise is Tightening on Paul Manafort, The Mueller Probe’s Linchpin,” Rosenstein discusses the possibility of a prosecution of Paul Manafort under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

Josh Rosenstein, an attorney at Sandler Reiff Lamb Rosenstein & Birkenstock who specializes in FARA, said that although prosecutions under the act are quite rare, it is a “distinct possibility” that Mueller’s team could pursue one against Manafort.

“When FARA becomes a high profile issue as certainly it has been here in and of itself, the risk of prosecution is certainly much higher,” Rosenstein said, noting that FARA charges would likely be brought as a secondary charge to any potential financial crimes.

You can read the rest of the article here.