Joe Birkenstock Quoted in Politico on Congressional Aides Conflicts with Stock Trades
Joe Birkenstock was quoted in an article in Politico on an investigation into Congressional aides conflicts with stock trades. The investigation narrows in on whether senior staffers buy and sell shares in companies that benefit from legislation in their committees. On the role of the House Ethics Committee amidst these allegations, Joe Birkenstock shares:
“They genuinely don’t want to see the body brought into scandal, controversy or disrepute,” said Joseph Birkenstock, a former chief counsel for the Democratic National Committee. “That includes things like, is your boss twisting your arm? Are you doing things because you’re under some job pressure? Or is there any credible forum where someone could claim that your actions or your boss’ actions are connected in any way to the commercial success of this business?”
You can read the rest of the article here.