
  1. James Lamb Advising Ready for Hillary SuperPAC

    James Lamb was cited in an article in the Washington Post about the growth of Ready for Hillary, a Super PAC urging former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to run for President in 2016. Mr. Lamb is cited among a …

  2. POLITICO Influence Highlights David Mitrani

    David Mitrani’s recent hiring was announced in today’s edition of POLITICO Influence. MITRANI JOINS SANDER REIFF AS ASSOCIATE: David Mitrani has joined Sandler, Reiff, Young & Lamb as an associate after successfully passing the bar exam. He’ll work mostly on election …

  3. Joshua Rosenstein quoted in National Journal

    Joshua Rosenstein was quoted today in a story in National Journal about the rise in litigation over the executive rule-making process. The article describes ongoing litigation between the EPA and biofuel producers over renewable-fuel standards. Mr. Rosenstein told the National …

  4. SRYL Enters into Strategic Alliance with Mark Grueskin of Recht Kornfeld

    Sandler, Reiff, Young, & Lamb has entered into a strategic alliance with renowned election attorney Mark Grueskin and the law firm of Recht Kornfeld. SRYL will work with Mr. Grueskin and Recht Kornfeld on common projects and political matters. Read …

  5. Liz Howard

    Liz Howard was quoted in a recent article in the Daily Online Examiner regarding disclaimer rules for mobile ads. At issue is whether political ads that appear on mobile phones need to include disclaimer language indicating who paid for the …

  6. Joshua Rosenstein Cited as Lobbying Expert by The Hill

    Joshua Rosenstein was cited in an article published this morning in The Hill regarding the decline in the number of registered lobbyists in Washington. The article discusses the reasons why K Street has seen the number of federally registered lobbyists …

  7. Joe Sandler Named Top Lawyer

    Joe Sandler was recently selected  by his peers for inclusion in inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America© 2014 in the field of Administrative/’Regulatory Law (Copyright 2013 by Woodward/White, Inc., of Aiken, SC).  This marks the fifth year in a …

  8. Jeff Wice Serves on Voting Rights Panel at NCSL Summit

    In front of a capacity crowd, Jeff Wice spoke Monday morning at the National Conference of State Legislatures on a panel regarding voting rights. Titled “Shelby County v. Holder: The Future of the Voting Rights Act,” Mr. Wice discussed the …

  9. Joe Sandler Cited as Federal Pay-to-Play Expert

    SRYL Founding Partner Joe Sandler was cited as an expert in Federal Pay-to-Play rules in an article about New Jersey Governor Chris Christie for The article discusses how the rule could affect Governor Christie should he decide to run for …

  10. Joe Sandler Cited as FARA Expert by Politico

    Joe Sandler was cited as a FARA expert in a news item in today’ Politico Influence newsletter. The newsletter sought to follow up on a story last week in which actor Steven Seagal was described as the “face of the …